Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Confederate Marker Dedication Ceremony

The John Hunt Morgan Camp August meeting was held in Cave Hill Cemetery, Saturday, August 11th. We gathered to honor Eagle Scout Nathaniel Coleman Ralls. Scout Ralls chose as his Eagle project the restoration of an entire section of 60 CSA grave stones in the Confederate section of Cave Hill Cemetery.

A very nice ceremony was held to rededicate the graves. The SCV presented Scout Ralls with an Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate from SCV International Headquarters. It was a special event.

I'll try to recount the camp members who were present, but I did not take roll, so please excuse me if I happen to omit your presence: Harold Sneed, Gene Wood, David High, Bennett Young, Bob Strange and wife, Forrest Land and wife, Noble Roberts, Ben Kennedy, Bill Hayes, and Mark Hiland with his three sons.

Below are some photos from the event.

Wm. M. Hayes
Coleman Ralls with his grandfather, Bill Ralls

Piper Tamara Stewart played Amazing Grace

The 2ND and 5TH KY fire a volley

A young reenactor and scouts

Junior AMVETS Color Guard

Lee Squires, Superintendent of Cave Hill Cemetery

Michael Higgs, Cave Hill Heritage Foundation

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